I've had my eye on a tumbling compost bin for a while. I know that you don't really HAVE to get any special equipment to start composting. You just make a pile of stuff somewhere in the yard! But we have a smallish yard, and I was concerned about attracting pests (specifically rodents). So I liked the idea of having something enclosed. The Mister and I looked around at several compost bins both in stores and online. I was pleasantly surprised with how enthusiastic he was about getting a compost system started. So, ultimately we decided to purchase the Envirocycle Composter. It's a big drum which collects compost tea at the bottom. I think it's going to be perfect for our family. At least, I hope so! I think it's supposed to be delivered sometime today. Just in time for all the clippings from Saturday yard work!
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About My Ambitions
I am a big city girl from Southern California who wants to live a more self sufficient life. I want to learn some homesteading skills. I want to grow things! I also want to learn stuff like canning and preserving foods, and making stuff by hand. I want to do more composting and recycling. I want to find joy in simple things. I want to learn about the Earth and how to take better care of it - and in turn, take better care of myself and my family. However, I have very little knowledge of how to accomplish most of this stuff. I guess you could say I'm a little (ahem) green.
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