Back when they were just wee things fresh from the nursery, I said that if I could get just one single tomato from my tomato-growing efforts, I would consider it a success.Success was served on a bed of Romaine with some chopped cucumbers this week! If I'm being honest, the tomatoes were a bit on the bitter side. But you'd better believe I ate them all, and was mighty proud. The Mister looked at me like I was crazy when I was taking photos of my salad. Clearly, he doesn't understand blogging.
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About My Ambitions
I am a big city girl from Southern California who wants to live a more self sufficient life. I want to learn some homesteading skills. I want to grow things! I also want to learn stuff like canning and preserving foods, and making stuff by hand. I want to do more composting and recycling. I want to find joy in simple things. I want to learn about the Earth and how to take better care of it - and in turn, take better care of myself and my family. However, I have very little knowledge of how to accomplish most of this stuff. I guess you could say I'm a little (ahem) green.
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