A couple weeks ago I was out at
Summers Past Farms (which is a magical place, and if you live in San Diego you simply MUST go there) and I purchased this daisy from their nursery. I loved the spoon-shaped petals! My mom had a similar plant, only with white petals. Hers cross-germinated with another daisy, though, and has since lost the delightful petal spoony-ness. That's right. I made up a word. This blog is a magical place, too! Anyway, the Spoon Daisy (also a name I made up, because I know it's called something else) seems very happy since I re-potted it and put it out in the sun. It has tons of blooms on it, with more sprouting all the time. It's giving me a glimmer of hope that maybe my garden might flourish after all.

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    Clong said...

    Of course your garden will flourish!

  1. ... on March 5, 2010 at 12:58 PM