Recently, I noticed a friend of mine had a lovely vintage handkerchief in her bag. She used it to dab some drool off her baby's chin, and so we (there was another friend there at the same time - I'm not using the royal "we") asked her where she got it and if she routinely used handkerchiefs. She said that she has several, and uses them all the time. And then this past weekend, when we were together to see a church broadcast from Utah, I noticed again that she had a pretty handkerchief that she used to hide her face when she got a case of inappropriate giggles during a very serious spiritual discussion.
Anyway, it made me think about how when I was a little girl, I remember my mom had a collection of hankies that she kept in the top drawer of her dresser. Some were floral, some were embroidered, some had scalloped edges. I thought they were neat. And I still think handkerchiefs are cool. They've got such a wonderful old time charm. And, from a green perspective, they're kinder to the earth than using Kleenex, right? Though obviously a handkerchief would be more for dabbing the occasional tear or sniffle and not for any major nose-blowing action. I'm all for saving the earth but I don't need cute little embroidered bundles of snot in my purse.
So, I've been scouting out vintage hankie auctions on eBay because now I have it in my head that I MUST own some handkerchiefs of my own. There are some really lovely little collections out there. And I'm shocked with how popular they are. I think that people cut them up and use them to make quilts and whatnot. I'm also hoping I can convince my mom to give me one of her hankies. She has this purple one with Can-Can girls on it. It must be mine.